Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Story of The Seed is an inspiring project where students acquire the knowledge and understanding of a seed's growth. This project was designed to connect, and grasp the simple knowledge of a seeds life throughout the 8 units of Mr. Bursch's life science class at Willow Glen High School. Each group receives seeds of the Brassica oleracea category (brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, etc.). We start this yearlong experiment by planting our seeds in the main garden and waiting for germination. As the process begins the students observe and monitor their young plants for growth and development. Soon after, that will follow through to observing the flowers and fruits of their plants. Throughout this project, we will present our predictions, hypotheses, and independent research. We will as well collect and analyze data by taking precise measurements and pictures, which of all will be shown in this blog!   

Monday, December 2, 2019

Blog post #3

During the week 3 of our plants growing there is little to no growth in our plants. It looks like a patch of grass. Our plants participate in the water cycle by turning the water into energy that helps who ever consumes it. Our plants contribute to the carbon cycle by providing us humans air.Our plants provide nitrogen by putting it into the ground providing energy.

1) A plant would be getting bigger and adding biomass mainly using photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Cellular respiration and mainly ...